by admin | Aug 28, 2017 | Dental Tips for Parents
Understanding why your child sucks their thumb may be the key to helping them stop. You can rest assured that sucking is one of an infant’s natural reflexes. They begin to suck on their thumbs or other fingers while they are in the womb. Infants and young children may...
by admin | Aug 18, 2017 | Uncategorized
Your child’s baby teeth should begin to fall out by age 6 or 7, according to the American Dental Association. Over the next five or six years, your child will gradually lose all baby teeth, and new, permanent teeth will replace them. If your child has a loose...
by admin | Aug 9, 2017 | Uncategorized
Some parents have recently asked the question, “Why have my child’s teeth begun to turn yellow.” Drs. James and Samuel Owens explain that there are several reasons this may occur. Let’s break it down into two categories – #1 – Adult teeth are more yellow than...
by admin | Aug 3, 2017 | Dental Tips for Parents, Pediatric Dentistry
“Play” toothbrushing helps your toddler get used to the idea of brushing their teeth while working out their feelings about it. Buy some extra children’s toothbrushes and let your toddler brush their stuffed animals’ or dolls’...
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