It’s hard to believe that 2017 is coming to an end and 2018 is tomorrow. It’s a great time to sit with your children and look back at their lives for the past year and talk about goal setting for the upcoming new year. According to the experts, kids ages 7-12 are at the ideal stage to learn to make resolutions. They’re old enough to think about what a New Year’s resolution is and to make their own — yet parents can still help guide them. We hope that one of those resolutions will involve good oral care!
We were searching the internet for fun articles about children and New Year’s resolutions and stumbled across this clever website called Thirty Handmade Days, a creative project for every day. The Mom who created this site has a nifty Printable New Year’s Resolution for Kids 2018. We think it would be fun to print this “Year In Review” template and discover what your children think about 2017 and what goals they may have for 2018. Check out her video about this nifty way to get your kids to ponder on ideas for a better new year!
Oral Health is important to a child’s overall health. Healthy teeth allow children to chew healthy foods, pay attention and learn more easily in school and help children speak clearly. It’s a great idea to encourage your child to brush and floss properly and how healthy teeth help our bodies. You could also share a list of foods that are good for our teeth and suggest they try eating those more often in 2018. Foods like apples, strawberries, oranges, eggs, milk, cheese, celery, carrots, broccoli, and green leafy vegetables promote healthy teeth. Or maybe it could be as simple as recommending that they drink plenty of water each day.
Making resolutions with your children can be fun, a time for growth and change, and an opportunity for bonding.
If you are interested in ideas for setting good oral health resolutions with your children, call dentists Doctors. James and Samuel Owens office at 918.455.7700. Our team of dental assistants can help! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
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